Art. 1 - Organization - Vados Chess Club Arad is organizing the 10th Arad International Chess Festival between august 6th and august 13th 2017 at Continental Forum Hotel**** in Arad. The festival has a main open – Arad Open (6-13 august), an open for players with elo under 1600 – OPEN U1600 (8-12 august) and 2 children tournaments for under 10 and under 8 years old (7-12 august)
Art. 2 – Ratification, Playing conditions - Arad Open it’s a nine-round open Swiss tournament providing opportunities to qualify for international titles and the FIDE ELO List. The U1600 open will ve valid for Elo ratings; the U10 and U8 children tournaments (9 rounds) will be valid only for romanian ratings.
The romanian players taking part in this tournament must be legitimate and have all taxes paid to the Romanian Chess Federation. Foreigners without ELO must have FIDE ID
In the Open U1600 can play all players with FIDE Elo under 1600 considering FIDE rating list from june 1st. Foreign players without ELO can’t win prizes in general standings
For children tournaments, at U10 (born after 01.01.2007), the players must have an Elo under 1400 considering the FIDE rating list from august 1st. At U8 (born after 01.01.2009), the players must have an Elo under 1300 considering the FIDE rating list from august 1st
Art. 3 - Rate of play –
The main tournament - 90/40 moves + 15 minutes for the rest of the game + 30 seconds/move from move 1
The Open 1600 – 60 min + 5 sec/move
U10, U8 – 75 minutes/game/player.
Art. 4 - Pairings - The Swiss Manager program will be used for pairings (accelerated pairing).
Art. 5 - Game schedule
Byes - Players may take a ½ pt bye in maximum 2 rounds but only in the first six rounds. The bye request must be announced to the arbiters before the beginning of the previous round in which the player will not play.
A round one bye may be claimed on the entry form.
Art. 6 - Entry Fees
Foreigners: 50 EURO
All entry fees, payments deadline or any deductions are shown on the official website
Art. 7 - Final Standings , Tie-breaks
For the final standings, the following tie-breaks criteria will be apply:
- average recursive performance
- median bucholtz
- sonneborn-berger
- elo performance.
The order of this tie-breaks will be drawn by lot after the last round has finished.
Unplayed games – For tie-breaks purposes, the current FIDE rules will be aplied
For U10 and U 8, the following order of tie-break criteria will be used:
- the result of the player in the same group points
- Medium Bucholtz
- Sonneborn - Berger
Art. 8 - Prizes
All the prizes are neto (tax free), guaranteed, not cumulative and for the general standings will be divided according to the Hort system for the prize number announced.
Prize Winners must attend the appropriate prize giving for their event as announced in the schedule. Failure to attend without the prior permission of the Tournament Director may result in the deduction of 15% of the prize concerned with a minimum of 100 lei.
Art. 9 - Mobile phones: - It is strictly forbidden to bring in the playing hall mobiles phones or other electronical devices, otherwise the player should lose the game.
Art. 10 - Default Time
The players arriving to the chessboard more than 1 hour after the scheduled start will lose the game.
The players missing first round or 2 rounds without justification, although not consecutives, will be eliminated. Those players missing 1 round will have to notify the arbiter during the former round.
Art. 11 - Players’ behaviour
All players are expected:
-To compete in the spirit of good sportsmanship
-To refrain from analysis or audible talking in the playing hall while other games are in progress
-To notify the director in advance if they are unable to play a round or rounds
-To read all the pertinent information posted by the tournament organisers
-To obey the FIDE laws of chess
Chess boards, pieces, clocks, furnitures etc. must not be removed from the playing area.
Art. 12 - Appeals and the Appeals Committee
In the case of an appeal against an arbiters decision, the tournament director will form an appeals committee consisting of 3 players from the main tournament. These players will be chosen at the beginning of the tournament for their impartiality and their knowledge of the rules of chess.
The player lodging the appeal shall lodge a 100 RON bond, which will be refunded if the appeal is successful. Comitee's decisions will be definetely and unappealed
Art. 13 - Photo - Flash photography is only permitted during the first 10 minutes of each round. Thereafter photography and video recordings can take place only with the permission from the arbiters.
Art. 14 – The organizers reserves the right to refuse any entry made at the event.
Art. 15 - Registration for the 9th ARAD International Chess Festival implies acceptance of these tournament regulations.