Arad Open 2013 - 3-9 august 2013
U16, U10, U8 open - 31 july - 3 august 2013
Please confirm the participation at our yearly wine tasting trip! in data de 31/07/2013
The main open of the festival is rapidly aproaching, so we are prepare the last details. As our very appreciated trip at Minis wineyard for a wine-tasting will be on the first day, the players who want to take part in it ...
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Come and play at the 6th edition of Arad Open in data de 23/05/2013
The 6th edition of the International Chess Festival – Arad open 2013 is coming soon. This festival which became the largest open in Romania in the last few years, will take place between 31 july and 9 august, with the big ...
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GM Imre Balog won for the second year at Arad in data de 02/08/2012
Winning clearly against the Moldavian Senior IM Boris Itkis and benefitting from the unexpected rapid draw between IM Gabriel Battaglini and GM Andrei Murariu, the champion of the previous editon GM Imre Balog has ...
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